We offer several services in addition to those found on the website. If you're looking for something you haven't found yet, chances are you'll find it here.
If for some reason you still can't find what you're looking for, contact us or visit us — and we’ll be glad to help you any way we can.
We have ATMs conveniently-located at most of our First State Bank branches — which can be used for after-hours quick cash.
Direct Deposit
Build your balance — automatically. Have all or part of your check deposited to your account balance every month. Speak to a helpful representative to add this convenience today.
First State Bank offers direct deposit of funds into your account. Contact us to get started.
Mobile Banking
Visit our website through your cell phone or mobile device. Enjoy the features of online banking, from the convenience of your own phone. Learn more about mobile banking.
Night Deposit
For your convenience, we have depositories at each of our branch locations for after-hours deposits.
For your convenience, we have a certified notary at our branch locations for your official documents.
Re-order Checks
You can do it in just a few clicks. Reorder checks online now (Opens in a new Window).
Safe Deposit Boxes
Contact us for more information on obtaining a safe deposit box.*
*Contents are not insured or guaranteed by the bank, the FDIC, or by any other government agency.